Tuesday 15 July 2014

The future belongs to the individual drugs

More and more experts are trying to devise an approach for the evaluation of the individual reactions of the patients of various medicines. http://www.a3place.com/What-is-Venus-Factor?_193041.html
Researchers from Imperial College London (King's College London) felt that their work will help in the development of drugs for individual application.
Their "pharmacopoeia" approach consists in the combination of modern chemical analysis and mathematical modeling in order to predict the response of the organism on a single drug. The method is based on the analysis of the products of human vital activity. According to researchers, this analysis will help in the diagnosis of the disease, will predict the potential diseases of the patient and the reaction that will have his body treatment. http://www.abstractdirectory.net/details.php?id=144366This new "pharmacy-metabonomi" approach allows you to define individual characteristics of that part of the body, to which is attached the preparation and its processing in the body as a whole. Science has already proven that when different people this happens differently depending on many individual factors.
The development of this method is still in its infancy, but also health care and pharmaceutical industries in particular attach great importance to him as a future stage which will develop a medicine.
British scientists perceive their work as a form of return to dawn of medicine and pharmacy, where the drugs were being made after the placement of a specific diagnosis, but now using the latest achievements of science.(a)

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